Road to Life | Путёвка в жизнь
Young hobos are taken to a new camp to become good Soviet citizens. This camp works without any guards, and it works well. But crooks kill one of the young people when they try to damage the newly built railroad to the camp.
Description: Young hobos are taken to a new camp to become good Soviet citizens. This camp works without any guards, and it works well. But crooks kill one of the young people when they try to damage the newly built railroad to the camp.
Genres: Drama
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 108 minutes

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Nikolai Batalov
Played Nikolai Sergeiev
Yvan Kyrlya
Played 'Dandy' Mustapha

Mikhail Zharov
Played Tomka Zhigan, leader of the wild boys

Vladimir Uralskiy

Rina Zelyonaya

Georgi Zhzhyonov
Aleksander Novikov
Played Vasha Busa, a Wild Boy
Mariya Andropova
Played Maria Skriabina, social worker
Vladimir Vesnovsky
Played Mr. Rebrov
Mariya Gonfa
Played Lelka, aka 'Merizhka'

Vasiliy Kachalov
Played introduction and final speech


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