Peculiarities of the National Fishing | Особенности национальной рыбалки
General Ivolgin, forester Kuzmich, and good-natured Lyova lose their way on a fishing trip and wind up in a neighboring country, where they decide to have a good time anyway but end up leaving their vodka and fishing equipment behind.
Description: General Ivolgin, forester Kuzmich, and good-natured Lyova lose their way on a fishing trip and wind up in a neighboring country, where they decide to have a good time anyway but end up leaving their vodka and fishing equipment behind.
Genres: Comedy
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 95 minutes

Welcome, or No Trespassing

Peculiarities of the National Hunt in the Winter

Peculiarities of the National Hunt



The White World According to Daliborek

Black Rain

The Raid 2

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


Aleksei Buldakov
Played генерал Иволгин, Михалыч

Viktor Bychkov
Played егерь Кузьмич

Semyon Strugachyov
Played Лёва Соловейчик

Ville Haapasalo
Played Райво

Sergey Russkin
Played Сергей Олегович

Andrey Krasko
Played Витёк

Olga Samoshina
Played дама в сарайчике

Aleksandr Zavyalov
Played слесарь

Denis Kirillov
Played мичман

Aleksandr Borisov
Played капитан

Sergey Gusinsky
Played Семёнов

Vasiliy Domrachyov
Played прокурор
Aleksei Sevostyanov
Played капитан-лейтенант

Mikhail Dorofeev
Played Юсси

Kirsi Tykkyläinen
Played Саара

Egor Tomoshevskiy
Played матрос

Ilya Mozgovoy
Played эпизод

Evgeniy Sirotin
Played эпизод


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