Together till the endBarents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.
Description: Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.
Genres: Drama, History, Thriller, Action
Budget: $20,000,000 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 118 minutes

Blind Vaysha

Into the Ashes


My Generation

Les Disparus de Valenciennes

Blame Game

Dream Theater: Metropolis 2000 - Scenes From New York


Kingdom of Sweden


Matthias Schoenaerts
Played Mikhail Averin

Léa Seydoux
Played Tanya Averina

Peter Simonischek
Played Admiral Vyacheslav Grudzinsky

Max von Sydow
Played Admiral Vladimir Petrenko

August Diehl
Played Anton Markov

Colin Firth
Played Commodore David Russell

Bjarne Henriksen
Played Russian Rescue Ship Captain

Magnus Millang
Played Oleg Lebedev

Artemiy Spiridonov
Played Misha Averin

Joel Basman
Played Leo

Pit Bukowski
Played Maxim

Matthias Schweighöfer
Played Pavel Sonin

Tom Hudson
Played Roman
Chris Pascal
Played Niko

Kristof Coenen
Played Sasha

Pernilla August
Played Oksana

Helene Reingaard Neumann
Played Vera

Martin Brambach
Played Kursk Captain Gennady Shirokov

Peter Plaugborg
Played Kursk Executive Officer Alexander Grekov

Guillaume Kerbusch
Played Torpedo's Room Midshipman Alexi Zhukov

Koen De Sutter
Played Admiral Ivakin (Peter the Great)

Gustaf Hammarsten
Played Lesser Admiral Mikhail Denisov (Peter the Great)

Aske Bang
Played Lt. Pulsky (Peter the Great)

Lars Brygmann
Played Priz Pilot Kasyenenko

Martin Greis-Rosenthal
Played Priz Pilot Ilyushin

Steven Waddington
Played Graham Mann (Seaway Eagle)

John Hollingworth
Played Lt. Bruce Hamil

Katrine Greis-Rosenthal
Played Daria Sonin

Josse De Pauw
Played Vadim Markov, Anton's Father

Feđa Štukan
Played Warehouse Worker Goncharov
Jehon Gorani
Played Warehouse Worker Oblomov

Miglen Mirtchev
Played Russian Captain Ivan Timoshenko
Mark Irons
Played Russian Head of the SVR Vladimir Laskutin

Zlatko Burić
Played Kulkin, Veteran Swimmer on Rudnitsky

Eva van der Gucht
Played Marina Lebedev

Geoffrey Newland
Played Rescue Team Diver Tony Scott
Danny van Meenen
Played Rescue Team Diver Paal Dinessen

Guido De Craene
Played Captain Calpin (Peter the Great)

Marjan De Schutter
Played Anastasia Dudko
Gabriela Cotet
Played Wife Daycare #1

Olga Markina
Played Wife Daycare #2
David Russell
Played Old Sailor New

