Dossier K.
Vincke and Verstuyft are detectives of the Antwerp police department. This time they have to deal with the Albanian mob and some problems in their own police division.
Description: Vincke and Verstuyft are detectives of the Antwerp police department. This time they have to deal with the Albanian mob and some problems in their own police division.
Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Homepage: http://www.dossierkfilm.be/
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 120 minutes


The F**k-It List

Brighton Rock

K-9: P.I.

Nine Queens





Black and Blue

Koen De Bouw
Played Eric Vincke

Werner De Smedt
Played Freddy Verstuyft

Hilde De Baerdemaeker
Played Linda de Leenheer

Blerim Destani
Played Nazim Tahir

Greg Timmermans
Played Wim Cassiers

Jappe Claes
Played Procureur Bracke

Marieke Dilles
Played Naomi Waldack

R. Kan Albay
Played Shehu Ramiz

Katelijne Verbeke
Played Moeder Naomi Waldack

Peter Gorissen
Played Advocaat Waldack

Filip Peeters
Played Majoor De Keyzer

Sven de Ridder
Played Balieman
Ryszard Turbiasz
Played De Magere

Vildan Maksuti
Played Ukaj Tahir
Kushtrim Sheremeti
Played Haki
Kevin Lamaire
Played Barman

Begir Memeti
Played Pompbediende
Miro Brooks
Played Neef Shehu
Alii Sabedin
Played Agent Driton
Erwin Van Cotthem
Played Man with prostitute
Afrim Kasapolli
Played Gaba

Çun Lajçi

Stijn Van Opstal
Played Scientist


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