Nicht mit uns! Der Silikon-Skandal
Three women go to court after their breast implants turn out to be made of cheap and potentially cancer causing material.
Description: Three women go to court after their breast implants turn out to be made of cheap and potentially cancer causing material.
Genres: Drama
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 92 minutes

Susanne Bormann
Played Jenny

Mimi Fiedler
Played Katharina Vogt

Hannes Jaenicke
Played Axel Schwenn

Muriel Baumeister
Played Konstanze

Stephanie Krogmann
Played Micki Schmidt-Bergen
Natascha Hirthe
Played Hanna Wilson
Vera Kasimir
Played Richterin Menhard

Andreas Leupold
Played Carl von Gahlen
Valérie Lillibeth
Played Carmen
Florian Rummel
Played Olli Schmidt-Bergen
Stefan Faupel
Played Bestatter
Ralph Hönicke
Played Dr. Marschburger

Adrian Topol
Played Christian Weimann
Martina Ysker
Played Sissi Sperling

Laura Pletzer
Played Sophie Leyen
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