Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka | Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки
The story that happened on the farm near Dikanka on the night before Christmas, when the village blacksmith Vakula, having saddled the Devil, brought to his beloved Oksana, the daughter of a rich Cossack Chub, queen's "сherevichki"(the little women shoes) from the capital — St. Petersburg.
Description: The story that happened on the farm near Dikanka on the night before Christmas, when the village blacksmith Vakula, having saddled the Devil, brought to his beloved Oksana, the daughter of a rich Cossack Chub, queen's "сherevichki"(the little women shoes) from the capital — St. Petersburg.
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 66 minutes

Jack and the Beanstalk


Evenings on a Farm Near Dykanka

Journey Beyond Three Seas


To the Sea!


The Christmas Chronicles

Project Power

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Aleksandr Khvylya
Played казак Чуб, кум

Lyudmila Myznikova
Played Оксана, дочь Чуба

Yuri Tavrov
Played Вакула, кузнец (озв. Владимир Кашпур)

Lyudmila Khityaeva
Played Солоха, мать Вакулы

Sergei Martinson
Played Осип Никифорович, дьяк

Anatoli Kubatsky
Played кум Панас

Vera Altayskaya
Played жена Панаса, старая "пепельчиха"

Dmitriy Kapka
Played Шапуваленко, ткач

Mykola Yakovchenko
Played Пацюк (озв. Яков Беленький)
Marina Sidorchuk
Played Одарка, подруга Оксаны

Aleksandr Radunsky
Played Голова

Georgi Millyar
Played Чёрт / сплетница
Andrei Demyanenko
Played Свербыгуз

Lidiya Korolyova
Played баба с фиолетовым носом

Irina Murzayeva
Played сплетница

Aleksei Smirnov
Played посол (озв. Иван Рыжов)

Mikhail Troyanovsky
Played старик в хате

Zoya Vasilkova
Played Екатерина II

Yuri Chekulayev
Played Потёмкин, князь Таврический

Mikhail Vasilyev
Played казак
Yevgeni Grigoryev
Played казак

Pavlo Zahrebelny
Played добродий (нет в титрах)

