Break Every Chain
Drowning in the depths of depression and sadness, burning with anger, and chained down by alcoholism, Jonathan couldn’t do it anymore. After the loss of his father as a young boy, facing countless horrific death scenes in the line of duty, and the death of his son, Jonathan turned to the world for answers — finding only darkness. Faced with the threat of losing all that is left to him, Jonathan turns to faith and finds hope and redemption.
Description: Drowning in the depths of depression and sadness, burning with anger, and chained down by alcoholism, Jonathan couldn’t do it anymore. After the loss of his father as a young boy, facing countless horrific death scenes in the line of duty, and the death of his son, Jonathan turned to the world for answers — finding only darkness. Faced with the threat of losing all that is left to him, Jonathan turns to faith and finds hope and redemption.
Genres: Drama
Homepage: http://breakeverychainmovie.com
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 103 minutes






Fight Club

The Shawshank Redemption

Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

Ant-Man and the Wasp

Avengers: Infinity War

Ignacyo Matynia
Played Jonathan Hickory

Krystian Leonard
Played Stacy Hickory

Dean Cain
Played Pastor Gabe
Brayden Lacer
Played Young Jonathan
Collins Randolph
Played Ana Hickory
Sterling Morse Jr.
Played Officer Watson
Dennis P. Marburger
Played Officer Rodriguez
Jeremiah Clark
Played Officer Edwards
Deborah Thompson
Played Jonathan's Mother
Don Brooks
Played Jonathan's Father

Joseph Moreland
Played Daniel's Dad

Sharonne Lanier
Erin Nordseth
Beck Rosser

